Developing Your Intuition: Recall & Body Scanning
Today our focus of Ways To Develop Your Intuition. Recall & Body Scanning
Replay past events: Sit down and try to think back to a situation where things didn't go as planned, or didn't go as you wanted. Visualize yourself back in that situation, notice any feelings or moments where you felt as if something was wrong. Was there an opportunity to go a different way? Did your inner voice speak up for a moment, only to be overtaken by your cognitive mind? Try to evaluate some of these occurrences and look for patterns, look for ways that you could do things differently the next time. Look for ways your intuition was trying to guide you and the things it was trying to tell you.
Daily Body Scans : Many of us are used to overriding the way we physically feel and just pushing through from one situation to the next. Make a practice of really acknowledging the way your body feels and what it’s telling you. Scan your body throughout the day and note any tension you’re holding or sensations, good or bad. The goal is to get more present so that you can better pick up on the subtle messages your body might be sending you (source:
Act Fast : Try not to overthink things. If you get a suggestion from your gut, try to write it down so you don’t forget it, or make a point to act promptly. If you get into a place of thinking too much about it, it can be easy to talk yourself out of the suggestion or overanalyze it and lose the feeling altogether. (source:
Release your resistance: Don't call yourself crazy when you get an intuitive hunch. Often, the cognitive mind argues with intuition rather than trusting it. By doing this, you may rationalize yourself out of intuitive knowing that could change your life for the better. (source:
Visit our site each day for new updates and next steps for your practice. Should you wish to get a different perspective about a dream or any other hurdle or blockage you may be experiencing on your spiritual growth path, feel free to contact me for a free consultation about Spiritual Path Consultation. Feel free to share any insights or experiences with me (or if you'd like to start a discussion) ... I'd love to hear from you (message me).
Visit our site each day for new updates and next steps for your practice. Should you wish to get a different perspective about a dream or any other hurdle or blockage you may be experiencing on your spiritual growth path, feel free to contact me for a free consultation about Spiritual Path Consultation. Feel free to share any insights or experiences with me (or if you'd like to start a discussion) ... I'd love to hear from you (message me).